Monday, September 27, 2010

Before going to 2NL also known .01/.02 No limit Hold' em

When I first started with Poker my Only deposit was of 10 dollars and I started to play 8 tables at these Stakes... I managed to make those 10 dollars into a 100 in 4-5 Days... At first I did make a lot of mistakes and sometimes I still do, but beating these stakes are no easy tasks it doesn't require much of skill and fancy plays it mostly requires a lots of patience and Discipline.

Of course before I started playing for Real money I studied all the % the Hand ratings , Positions etc.

I actually tried the Pokerstars pokerschool (Intellipoker) You can google it up, Back in the day there used to be a 5 dollar for you to have when you managed to pass the beginner test I believe they have bonuses now a day but I'm Not really sure, you can try it up and learn and the same time, it Helped me a lot.

I'm going to try and complete my Guide for 2NL. It is not the Ultimate guide, it doesn't mean You will make money with it, the guide I'm making is what worked for me, however the decisions you make during the hands are going to make the difference in you session at the end.

First im going to Link a few vids from youtube with the basics of Poker in case you don't know and if you do, stick around and I'll finish my guide as soon as possible.

There are a few more videos from the same poster you should check them all.

They're helpful

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